Board of Directors
Kelvin Cox, District 1
Alan Hamilton, District 2
Glenda Ellis, District 3
Renee Fordyce, District 4
Glenn Dale Cox - Chair, District 5
Sheila Robertson - Vice-Chair, District 6
Linda Eivins - Secretary
District Townships
- District 1 - Lincoln, Hamilton, Colfax, Washington, Union
- District 2 - Clay, Marion, Madison, Trail Creek
- District 3 - Dallas, Jefferson, White Oak, Butler, Cypress, Adams
- District 4 - Grant, Sherman, Fox Creek, Sugar Creek
- District 5 - The west half of the Township of Bethany, with 17th street being the dividing line
- District 6 - The east half of the Township of Bethany, with 17th street being the dividing line
Board & Meetings Information
Notice of meetings, board bylaws, compliance plan, and the Sunshine Law Policy are posted on the website for public information; minutes are posted once they are approved. Meetings are regularly held on the last Monday of each month at noon in the HCCH Conference Room.
Questions about meeting dates, agendas, or minutes should be directed to the Administration Office at (660) 425-0246.